Monday, 26 August 2013

A little early insight into parenthood

When we first found out we were pregnant I felt that all we had to do was reach the 12 week mark (the likelihood of a miscarriage goes down greatly after 12 weeks) and everything was completely smooth sailing with nothing to worry about from there.

That was until I was in the car with friend who mentioned someone they knew who had had a still born, which made me realise that anything could happen from that point until the baby was born regardless of whether it was past the 12 weeks.

Then I heard about someone whose toddler died unexpectedly in an accident which made me realise just how fragile life is. Nothing is guaranteed. As a mother or someone who cares very much for another there is always the constant worry that something is going to happen to that individual that you care so much about. 

But then there is the issue of how cautious should you be. Do you make your child live life in cotton wool and not take any risks like climbing trees or go to the park with friends without adult supervision? Or do you let them explore and find their own boundaries? I think that is a very difficult balance to find for a parent and is something that is different for each child let alone family. It's something I'm yet to decide on. Part of me feels children are often good at knowing their limits and what they feel safe doing, the other part says there is no way my little boy will be joining my dad and brother in climbing huge oak trees with makeshift ladders made from rope and wood and all the other crazy things that they get up to! 

I think part of the issue is there is such a dualism in the media regarding children. Half the time you hear about how children have been stopped from doing things like having conker fights and the newspapers all state what an outrage this is and how it is an example of health and safety gone mad. Then as soon as something goes wrong and a child gets injured in any way parents are criticised for being irresponsible and negligent. For example parents have been criticised for not letting their children go and play outside and doing things like playing football in a park like children used to do*. Yet the parents of April Jones who went missing from a park whilst playing with friends in 2012 were criticised by some for being negligent and irresponsible parents for allowing their child to play without adult supervision.

 In reality I think there is no winning, you just have to decide what is best for you regardless of other people as there is always someone who thinks they know better...    

*There is an old but very good article on the BBC that
 criticises over cautious parents 

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