I'm a bit late, but we're having a healthy baby boy! I think this is really exciting because everyone (including Ethan and I) thought we were expecting a girl! At first when we were told it was a boy Ethan and I were slightly taken a back because we were convinced (in reality based on nothing) that it was a girl and in the last couple of weeks had even been referring to it as she but we both feel really excited that its a boy.
It's funny, because lots of people thought/wanted it to be a girl (mostly so they could buy pretty clothes etc) I've found I've got really defensive about people saying things like 'you're joking, it's actually a girl isn't it' to the point where I've even deleted comments on Facebook because I feel like they're offending my poor unborn child. In reality I know it's a silly thing to get defensive about as they don't mean anything unkind or they wouldn't be saying it at all! Haha, but it is a funny reaction to have.
It took me a while to get to sleep last night (as usual) and so I was just thinking about that fact that we're having a boy and how funny he will be if he is anything like Ethan! Although he was very difficult as a baby I've heard so hopefully it will be a little more like I was as a baby (from what my parents have said I was pretty much the prefect child ;). I know it's going to come with so many ups and downs but I cannot wait for our beautiful little family to grow and to be able to experience the miracle of being a mother. Admittedly I still feel way too young to be referring to myself as a mother (in the nearish future), not so much because of my age but more so because I look 12 still! Haha
Every now and then I picture in my head what our baby might look like as a mix of Ethan and I've come to a rough idea in my head...
This photo is amazing! |
Ethan is the one in the middle (not the baby, that's Thea) with his cute blonde hair and blue eyes.
Then this is the youngest photo of me I could find on facebook, with my chubby cheeks!
They were so small and cute! |
Cutest little child ever!
So I came to the conclusion that our baby may look something like my younger brother, who had really blonde hair, blue eyes like Ethan and I and my chubby cheeks! He was just the cutest child growing up ever! He's now 12 which is crazy!! Whatever our baby looks like I think it will be the scrummiest little baby you could ever meet! :)
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