Thursday, 21 February 2013

Valentines Day!

So this was technically mine and Ethan's first Valentines day together. Ethan had made plans for last year but things got complicated and so that didn't happen, however that's another story that we don't need to go into right now! But anyway, for our first Valentine's day as a married couple we had our trip to Italy (as mentioned in the previous post) which was also a joint Christmas present as we thought that would be far better than spending money on bits and pieces that are never that useful. So because Italy was our Valentines trip we decided we wouldn't spend any money on each other as we'd had our fair share of money spent on food etc.

So I thought that February 14th would be an ordinary day where we show just as much love and appreciation as every other day :) However I was wrong...

I came home from the Young Women's activity on Wednesday evening (13th) to find Ethan sat at the desk busying away with something. Before I could even ask what I was banished away to the bedroom until he had finished in about 10 minutes (which actually turned out to be at least half an hour!). So when Ethan was done I questioned him heavily as I had NO idea what he was doing at all! I definitely didn't think it was anything to do with Valentine's day! Unfortunately I am very impatient when it comes to not knowing something, I hate having to wait, which Ethan knows. So to put me out of my curious misery Ethan gave in and came back from the living room with this! (Photo to come)

52 Reasons Why I Love you! Is he not the sweetest thing you've ever seen! Although he realised that he actually only had 30 stickers to write on so it's actually 30 reasons interspersed with cute photos of us! :) Each of the reasons were written in English and Italian as well which was a lot of fun to read! Ethan's reasoning behind deciding to make it was 'I figured seeing as you don't use the ideas from you Pinterest I would' (however this is not true, I regularly use my Pinterest actually, particularly for baking which Ethan knows! :P). Now, had we have decided that we would make something for each other rather than spend any money on Valentine's day I would have made something too, but this was a complete cute surprise! I felt as though I had neglected my scrummy husband a little so I had a think through as I was going to sleep of ideas to make the next day and came up with this!

I had a very limited amount of time (about 40 minutes between coming home from university and leaving to go to the temple for the youth trip) so it really isn't finish like I'd like it to have been, but the thought is there. It's a little coupon/voucher book of funny things such as entitling Ethan to my Creme Egg, an evening of playing Counter Strike and his favourite dinner etc.

I hope you had a beautiful Valentine's day full of lots of love, affection and appreciation, which is hopefully the same as every other day of the year!

P.S pictures coming soon!

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